Fresh Meat Productions asked the 2019 Fresh Meat Festival artists some questions. Read what they had to say in their own words!
Antoine Hunter
Antoine Hunter is an award-winning internationally known African-American Deaf choreographer, dancer, instructor and Deaf advocate who presents Deaf-centered works.

Q: Describe what you will be performing for us at the FRESH MEAT FESTIVAL.
A: Antoine Hunter been through shit as people keep trying to put an label on him. BLACK Deaf and Proud- IT!
Q: Why is it important to have a festival that centers trans and queer performance?
A: I feel it a place to feel safe to be ourselves, to be respected in ours work arts professionally and personally too. Notice I didn’t say arts work but because it was my work to make this arts. Weather it was to work on my spirit or work on my technique.
Q: What’s one thing you wish for trans and queer communities?
A: Equity
Q: Who are some of your artistic inspirations?
A: My BAY AREA COMMUNITY- Zula Star-H, Mom, Grace Jones, JOJO SMITH, janet jackson Joanna Haigood, Mere Cunningham, Paul Taylor, Mr Ailey, Dawn James, Madonna, Katherine Dunham, Savage jazz, Plus Bay Area International Deaf dance festival Alway an inspiration as well as DANCE/USA, international black in Dance, VSA KENNEDY CENTER- even the Basketball ball team The Warriors.. I’m not trying to honor them but simply state truth – they influence my artistic me
Antoine will perform all three nights of the FRESH MEAT FESTIVAL June 20, 21, 22
FRESH MEAT FESTIVAL of Trans & Queer Performance
June 20-22
at Z Space – San Francisco
Tix and info:
Z Space is wheelchair accessible
ASL will be provided all three nights
Z Space bathrooms are gender neutral and use unscented cleaning & soap products
Please arrive fragrance-free